Jacob J. Roesch, EdM, MFA 




Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY

Educational Masters Degree: Case study of the environmentally charged works of Mel Chin, Joseph Beuys, Buster Simpson and their social / political impact on the role of the artist in contemporary culture.  Particular interest was paid to the idea of ecovention and the restorative impact of Chin’s “Revival Field,” Beuys’ “2000 Oaks,” and Simpson’s “Hudson Headwater Purge” on their particular settings. 

Under Dr. Graeme Sullivan.

Ed.M 2003

Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY

Masters of Fine Arts: Concentration in Painting; Extended Focus in Drawing, Printmaking, and Design.

Under Edward Miller and Dr. Thomas Lightfoot.

M.F.A 1999

Hope College, Holland, MI

Bachelor of Fine Arts: Double major in Studio Arts Concentration Painting, and Biology.

B.F.A 1997


Westchester Community College Center for the Digital Arts

Introduction to Maya

Under Joseph Thomas


Silvermine Arts Center, Silvermine, CT

Studio Ceramics

Under Rob Pursell


Silvermine Arts Center, Silvermine, CT

Landscape Painting

Under David Dunlop


School of Visual Arts, New York, NY

Advanced Flash

Under Alison Cattelona


School of Visual Arts, New York, NY

Classical Portrait Painting

Under Marvin Mattelson


Royal College of Art, London, UK

Special Topics Painting Studio

Under Lawrence Woods



Enid E. Morse Scholarship: Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY

Awarded for academic excellence in art education.



Traditional: Oil, Acrylic, Gouache, & Watercolor; Charcoal, Wide Variety of Drawing and Mark Making Materials; Black and White Photography, Color Photography; Lithography, Intaglio, Collage.

Computer: Mac 0S, Windows, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Flash, Adobe After Effects, Corel Painter, Dreamweaver, Maya, iMovie, Final Cut Pro, Logic Pro X, Microsoft Word, Power Point


Manhattan College, Bronx, NY           

Coordinator of Digital Media Technology

Fall 2018—Present

Taught three courses a semester (Digital Drawing, Graphic Design and Advanced Graphic Design.) Maintained Labs and Equipment for the Visual and Performing Arts Department including supervising, creating a budget and coordinating the purchase of new equipment and supplies.  Worked with faculty and students to curate and install exhibitions on the departments gallery spaces. Represented the department in the College’s annual open house and worked with faculty on a committee to integrate digital humanities into the departments curriculum.  

Adjunct Instructor

Spring 2007—Present

Digital Drawing: A coherent balance between the soulful act of drawing and the chaotic multifaceted world of digital media, this course incorporates the digital drawing tablet and software with the traditional methods of drawing.

Graphic Design: Introductory course that integrates the elements of design with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign software.

Education First, Tarrytown, NY

Adjunct Instructor 

Spring 2009—Fall 2011

Drawing From Life: Introductory drawing course exploring how we view and translate our work visually through a variety of drawing processes and materials

Introduction to Graphic Design: Introductory course that integrates the elements of design with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign software packages.

Advanced Graphic Design: A continuation of design principles and software exploration that builds upon skills mastered in the previous session.

Kean University, Union, NJ

Adjunct Instructor

Fall 2005—Fall 2008

Two-Dimensional Design:  Exploration of studio materials and practices including drawing, collage, printmaking, pinhole photography and painting.

Digital Multimedia Arts: Studio and lecture course employing digital hardware and software including Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and iMovie for artistic expression and professional development.

C.W. Post, Long Island University, Brookville, NY        

Adjunct Instructor

Spring 2006—Fall 2007

20th Century Art History:  Graduate level art history course that covers movements from mid-century until the present, including Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Earth Art, Conceptual Art, Performance Art and Neo-Expressionism, as well as aesthetics of both modernism and post-modernism.

Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY

Adjunct Instructor

Spring 2006

Introduction to Drawing:  A critical examination of the relationship among structure, form and surface in drawing from life: objects, humans and landscape.  

 Teaching Assistant

Fall 2001—Spring 2007

Introduction to Painting and Advanced Painting: Co-taught, organized and maintained painting and drawing studios; assisted professors during class, substitute taught painting and drawing classes, organized and hung variety of student shows.

Instructor: Center for Educational Outreach & Innovation          

Spring 2003 

Experiments in Painting from Still Life to Figure: Taught students essential techniques in the media of oil and watercolor emphasizing addition of new materials, digital media and expanded confidence for life-long pursuits.

Touro College, Queens, NY

Adjunct Instructor

Fall 2004

Introduction to Visual Arts: Survey, integrated discussion, and studio explorations on styles, forms, and social/cultural impact of nineteenth and twentieth century art.


1001 Symmetrical Patterns: Rockport Publishers

Co-authored and designed patterns for design book: published 

Spring 2011 

Guest Lecturer: Kean University, Union, NJ

Presented recent works to a group of prospective young artists.

Fall 2004

Educational Children’s Book Illustrator: Indianapolis, IN

Created characters and illustrated 5 books for “ABC’s of Phonics,” a group dedicated to helping young children overcome their reading troubles.

Summer 2004

Roof Top Garden and Sustainable Wheat Project for ORG: Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY

Designed, developed, and maintained roof spanning vegetable and flower garden to explore aesthetic and sustainable environments within the structure of urban higher educational living.  Working with Mark Grimm and Amy Cheatle, created a separate space and containment system for a field of wheat which would later be harvested to make bread and beer for the ORG Sustainable Art Project.


Drink Ink Collective: New York, NY

Experimental arts education collective exploring the convergence of aesthetics and technology, and its impact on human understanding and community awareness. www.drinkink.org


Videographer: Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY

Helped organize and record audio and video for “Aboriginal Ways of Knowing” and “Native American Ways of Knowing” conferences.


Exhibition Assistant: Tiny Gallery, Rochester, NY

Assisted in the initial setup, maintenance and curatorial decisions pertaining to the gallery.



Roesch, J. (2005, November).  Learning To See: The Influence of Digital Technologies on the Development of Inventive Visual Insight in Higher Educational Introductory Paintings Students.  Presented for Certification as Doctoral Candidate, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY

Roesch, J. Cheatle, A. Grimm, M. (2005, April). Guerilla Greening as Cultural Ecology: Growing in Zones of Institutional Static. Presented at the Cultural Studies Matters Conference, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY

Roesch, J. (2003, November). Participant and Non-Participant Observation. Paper presented in Dr. Graeme Sullivan’s Doctoral Seminar in Art Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY 

Roesch, J. (2002, December). Influences and Integration of Digital Media in Introductory Studio Practices. Paper presented in Dr. John Broughton’s Aesthetics and Technology Class, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY 


Silvermine Arts Center

Westchester Arts Council

Brooklyn Working Artists Coalition (BWAC)

College Art Association (CAA)



Ruth Keeler Memorial Library Show:  Group Show, Saint James Village Hall, North Salem, NY


Quietude: Solo Show, Cornell Street Studios, Kingston, NY

Ruth Keeler Memorial Library Show:  Group Show, Hammond Museum, North Salem, NY

Oil Sketches: Gallery at Sprouts, Bethel, CT


Private Commission: Elizaville, NY


Fall Exhibit: Group Show, Arts on the Lake, Carmel, NY

Local Artists: Works on Display, Molten Java, Bethel, CT

Bethel Public Arts: Work on Display, Boylan Chiropractic, Bethel, CT


Continuing Artists Series: Solo Show, Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY

Johnson Commission: Indianapolis, IN


New Landscapes: BCR Capital, Indianapolis, IN


Selected Works: NBT Bank, Burlington, VT


Dahl Commission: Sherman, CT


Arts on the Lake: Carmel, NY

What’s Art Got to Do With It: Creative Arts Workshop, New Haven, CT


Selected Works:  Carrie Haddad Gallery, Hudson, NY

AGAST: Gowanus Art Center, Brooklyn, NY


Faculty Show: James Howe Gallery, Kean University, Union, NJ

Faculty Show:  Hillwood Art Museum, LIU C.W. Post, Brookville, NY 

AGAST: Gowanus Art Center, Brooklyn, NY


Syncretistic Visions: Solo Show, Macy Gallery, New York, NY

Open Studio Tour: Gowanus Art Center, Brooklyn, NY

Spring Exhibition: Brooklyn Working Artists Coalition, Brooklyn, NY

Group Show: Gowanus Art Center, Brooklyn, NY

Cultural Studies Matters Conference: Grace Dodge Hall, New York, NY


Group Show: Gowanus Art Center, Brooklyn, NY

Working Spaces: Donald Martin, New York, NY

Selected Works: BCR Capitol Corp., Indianapolis, IN


ORG: Reaping the White Walls: Macy Gallery, New York, NY

Acquisition of work for permanent collection: Columbia University, New York, NY

Rooftop Garden Initiative: Grace Dodge Public Space, New York, NY

Art Against War Poster Show: Macy Gallery, New York, NY

Walls: Public Works I, Oneonta, NY


Ground Zero: Detroit Museum of New Art, Detroit, MI, 

Do You Believe in Magic: Macy Gallery, New York, NY

Annual Presidents Art Show: Levine House, New York, NY

Ground Zero: The Freyberger Gallery, Penn State, PA


Group Show: NYC Council for the Arts, New York, NY

Rotunda: Columbia University, New York, NY


Best of Rochester Show: High Falls Gallery, Rochester, NY

The New: Gallery R, Rochester, NY

Revolving Landscape: Boulder Creek, Indianapolis, IN


Thesis Show: Bevier Gallery, Rochester, NY

Ten Works: Elizabeth Collection, Rochester, NY

Web Presence

Web Portfolio and Resume: www.jacobroesch.com